WVPB - Jess Baldwin: With All of Her Wildness (Apr 28 2022)
WVPB - Eclectopia (Apr 22 & 23 2022)
Conversations About Her - Indie Jazz Soul Songstress Jess Baldwin Returns With ‘April Fool’ (Apr 6 2022)
Tiffin Advertiser-Tribune - Jess Baldwin to take East Green stage Saturday (Aug 6 2021)
WCBE 90.5 FM - Music Journeys: Jess Baldwin (Aug 5 2021)
Columbus Dispatch - By sharing her story, Columbus jazz singer Jess Baldwin also found her 'voice', Peter Tonguette (Aug 5 2021)
Clutch MOV - Jess Baldwin Returns to Marietta (Aug 5 2021)
Parkersburg News and Sentinel - Baldwin wears many musical hats (Apr 19 2017)
Clutch MOV - A Night at the Cabaret (May 6 2016)
Parkersburg News & Sentinel - Jess Baldwin Quintet to perform (Apr 19 2016)